This is a question I frequently get asked. So let me explain how the majority of diets "work".
The popular diets most people have heard of and use in simple terms exclude a food group. Keto excludes carbs. Paleo excludes grains. By excluding whole food groups this is the way it gets people into a calorie deficit.
Whilst these types of diets may get short term results they are unsustainable long term. Psychology comes into play which ultimately leads to cheating and giving up. For example for people cutting out carbs the prospect of having that chocolate hob nob becomes the most important thing in the world. More important than losing fat.
The reality of the situation is the majority of diets just aren't sustainable for long enough for significant fat loss resulting in yoyo dieting.
So what diet does work? I would advise focusing 100% on being in a calorie deficit. Calculate your TDEE and reduce your calorie intake by 20% initially. It is possible to eat what you enjoy, just eat less of it.
The most sustainable diet is one that you can stick to. Consistency is key and this is why meal prepping is a crucial tool for fat loss.
There is an old saying in the gym world "you can't out train a bad diet". You can spend 12 hours a day doing cardio and not lose fat if your diet isn't right. Fat loss is about nutrition first and training second.
As always if you have any questions grab me on the floor @nrggym_lewisham or DM me here.
I lost 20kg in less than 18 months and I can help you meet your fat loss goals!
Happy training!